How to Prepare for Your First Photo Session as a Photographer

It’s been a long time since the first photography session we booked but we remember how daunting the first few sessions can feel! Here are some tips and tricks for newborn;) photographers:

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare (have we said it enough?)

First of all, your clients booked you for a reason, right? Maybe they liked your newbie prices or maybe they are a family member wanting to help you out. Either way, you are wanted! Now it’s time to organize!

First and most importantly, make sure that your contract with your clients is in place. Do you both have a clear understanding of what is expected of each party? Contracts can be in depth or super simple. Just make sure you have one! We love to like to use HoneyBook for all our scheduling and contracting needs.

Two females signing a contract.

Location, Location, Location

Ok, now we are getting to the fun part! If you live in Seattle like us, there are some amazing places to schedule your first photo sessions as a photographer! Parks, beaches, iconic Seattle places like the gum wall or the Fremont Troll. (Ok, those last two may be a tad niche but if you have gotten to know your clients in the contract stage, you now have a good idea on where they want to go!) Always go to the agreed upon location before your session date. Go at the same time of day the session will take place and check out the light. Be sure to scout out some unique nooks and crannies that could make a fantastic background for your subjects.

Two men hugging their dog in a sunset lit park.

Pack Your Bag and CHILL!

Sooo, you got everything? Pack all your lenses, reflectors, fill flash, and grey cards! Pack a snack and water for yourself and it doesn’t hurt too take a spray or two of some Rescue Remedy the night before and the day of. Butterflies in the stomach are cute-n-all but it’s best to be your most confident self for the session. Get sleep the night before and make sure you are properly nourished! (Yes, your mom does live here;). Confirm your session the night before with your clients and get to the venue at least 30 minutes before your sessions starts. Before you leave your car, put your hand on heart, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths…I’m not kidding, just do it! YOU GOT THIS!

Contents of a camera bag and the bag neatly displayed on a white background

Ahh Weddings..


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